

todotxt-notification - desktop notifications for todo.txt tasks


todotxt-notification [-cdpV] [-P [priority=]days] [todo file...]


todotxt-notification sends a desktop notification for all due tasks in the given todo.txt files (more than one can be specified). The notifications can also be triggered earlier or later. This limit can be adjusted per task priority (see option -P). To detect a due date for a task, the due tag is used. It has to be specified as 'due:YYYY-MM-DD'. If no due tag is present or a task is marked completed, it won't be considered for sending a notification.

The options are as follows:


Keep the contexts in the descriptions of the tasks.


Keep the due tag in the descriptions of the tasks.


Keep the projects in the descriptions of the tasks.

-P [priority=]days

If the priority is omitted, the default threshold is set for a due date to trigger a notification. If a priority is given, the value will be used for this priority. Higher priorities will use this threshold as well if there has not been specified a threshold for a higher priority. The unit of the threshold are days. The default value is 0 days. Negative values are allowed and would only cause a notification to be triggered if a task is overdue by the given amount of days. Generally, a notification will be triggered if the number of remaining days for a task (including the current day) is greater than or equal to the specified threshold.


Print the version information and exit.


todotxt-notification exits with 0 on success, and with 1 if an error occured.


Created and maintained by Hannes Braun <>. Up-to-date sources can be found at Bugs and patches can be submitted by email to ~hannes/