Hannes Braun

July 25, 2024

It looks like this microblog is turning into a series of notifications for my released software. Maybe I should post other stuff here as well. Let’s see…

But while we’re on the topic of notifications… I wrote a new tool called todotxt-notification. It takes a todo.txt file and emits a notification for every task that is due. The threshold can be adjusted of course, so you can get a notification a few days before the due date is reached.

The program does not run as a daemon. Instead, it is intended to be run daily. You can run it when your Desktop environment starts. Of course, that only works if you shutdown your computer at the end of the day. Maybe using something like anacron works as well. I haven’t tested that. Anyway, I’m sure you’ll find a good solution for your use case.

I hope this tool helps a few other people as well. Have fun.